Fluor // 2023 Integrated Report

18 Fluor Corporation TRANSFORMING THE ENERGY SECTOR ENERGY SOLUTIONS REPOSITIONED TO DELIVER VALUE: 2023 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS • Drove growth by leveraging execution and technology strengths. In 2023, 70% of new award projects (by count) were sole source awards and 40% were follow-on awards on existing projects. • Grew energy transition project backlog within the Energy Solutions business segment to 48% in 2023 compared to 10% in 2022. • Positioned for growth across multiple chemicals projects including battery chemicals and low-carbon ethylene. JIM BREUER Group President, Energy Solutions FEATURED METRICS $381M Segment Profit (2022: $301M) $6.9B New Awards (2022: $6.5B) $6.3B Revenue (2022: $5.9B) $9.7B Backlog (2022: $9.1B)